Home Insurance

How long will it take to get a quote?

Less than 5 minutes!
Every policy comes with these features as standard
  • Cover for major events as well as accidental damage
  • Up to 12 months temporary accommodation after an insured event
  • SumExtra
  • Damage to gardens and plants
  • Replacement cover for your home and contents in most cases


You can claim up to a further 10% of your home sum insured when your home is damaged by a natural hazard and you find your sum insured falls short of the cost needed to rebuild your home at the time of the claim. If the damage is from a cause other than a natural hazard, we will pay the full rebuild cost.

For SumExtra to apply, your sum insured must be at least equal to the estimated rebuild cost generated while creating this quote.

Why is this feature useful?

SumExtra home protection is designed to give you some extra protection against being affected by under-insurance outside your control.

You are responsible for insuring your home for what it costs to completely rebuild it using new materials, including the costs of temporary make-safe works, professional fees, the cost of complying with regulations, the removal of debris and the cost of rebuilding retaining walls. Even though you may do this, your sum insured can still fall short of the cost of rebuilding if the damage is from a natural hazard event.

Conditions apply. Please refer to the Policy Document.

72 hour exclusion - specific events

Loss due to storm, flood, landslide, bush fire and volcanic activity is covered after the first 72 hours of your policy, unless you are switching from another insurer (Home and Contents policies) or are taking out insurance when you first purchase your home (Home policies).

You may be eligible for a premium reduction.

We have some new questions, and by updating these your quoted premium may be reduced.

Before obtaining your quote, you should review the relevant Policy Document to understand the cover you are being offered. By obtaining a quote you agree with our Online Terms and Privacy Policy, and that you have read and understood your Duty of Disclosure. You must answer our questions correctly and completely. You must also tell us anything else that is relevant or material to our decision to insure anyone under this policy, even where we do not ask a specific question. You should call us on 0800 505 234 to advise us of anything relevant or material.

Duty of Disclosure

Before you enter into an insurance policy, you have a legal duty to disclose all information that is relevant and/or material to Vero Insurance New Zealand Limited (Vero) so that Vero can decide whether to provide you with insurance and if so, onwhat terms. The duty to disclose relevant or material information is not limited to the questions asked during the online purchase process. Ifthere is anything else that is relevant or material to Vero's decision to insure you, you cannot proceed with the online purchase process. Please call us on 0800 505 234 to inform us of this information and continue the purchase of your insurance policy. If you are not sure whether you need to disclose any particular information, you can ask us by calling 0800 505 234.

Your duty of disclosure applies every time your policy is renewed and whenever you make changes to your policy. If you breach this duty, Vero may elect to avoid your policy from its beginning or the last renewal date. This means that your policy will be treated as if it never existed and you will have no cover.

Policy start date

To give you the most accurate price tell us the date you want your cover to start.
Your policy start date must be within 30 days of today.

Is the home your permanent residence or your weekender/holiday home?

You may be eligible for a discount of up to 15% for combining your home and its contents on the same policy. Eligibility criteria applies.

Address where your building/contents are located

To help us work out the most accurate price, we need to find your address. Please take a moment to re-enter your address below
Unit details (if applicable)

Level details (if applicable)

Please select your address if you can see it in the list below, or please change the address details above and click ''Continue''.

Addresses found:

Sorry, we still can't find your address. Please check your address for a final time. If correct, click 'Continue' to proceed with your address as you have entered it. Alternatively, please make any amendments and we will try again to find your address.

Policyholder details